The pandemic has changed men’s lives and grooming patterns dramatically. However, now that things are headed back to normal, men need a barber for all their grooming needs as they enter into their new normal routines. Dennis Barbershop is here to help you look and feel great with the top grooming tips for men in 2021! Make your appointment today to get your new haircut.
Grooming Trends
Grooming Trends for Men in 2021

Men’s Skin Care in 2021
During the lockdown, men have also taken an interest in maintaining the health of their skin. For those who want to ensure that their skin stays young and healthy, you can follow these tips:
Wet your face with water
Use a facial cleanser and slightly glide over your face without harshly rubbing the skin
Rinse out the cleanser with water
Dry your face by tapping it with a towel — don’t ever rub your skin as it can cause acne
Apply a moisturizing cream to your face to replace the natural oils you washed out
For further tips and a personal shave and facial scrub, visit our New York barbershop today!

Men’s Facial Hair Styles of 2021
Men have also let their facial hair grow to its full potential in the last year. Visit Dennis Barbershop for the right style for you, whether it’s time for a trim or complete shave. In the meantime, here are some facial hairstyles that look great on a variety of men:
Full-length Beards - A full beard can look great on men, but requires regular maintenance so that you don’t look too scruffy (unless that’s the look you’re going for).
Medium-Length Beards - Some men look better in a beard that’s shorter than a long beard. These beards will require detailing and regular trimming to keep the proper shape and style.
Short-Length Beards - Short beards, like stubble or a goatee, can look great and are easy to maintain.
Clean Shave - You can’t go wrong with a clean shave. If you’ve had a full beard for years, a clean shave may shock people in just the right way!
Our barbers can offer you a great shave or beard trim that will fill you with confidence and bring out your best look.
Visit Dennis Barbershop Today
Men’s grooming has reached a point it never has before as men are trying out both natural and new styles. If you need help deciding what’s best for you, then head to Dennis Barbershop in Hyde Park, New York. You can set up an appointment on our website or call: (516) 231-9636. Get the help you need by trying out a new style in 2021.